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GuestbookJyraffe Zoe

09.04.2009 08:35:20 AM
I love your radio, i listen you all the day. i have hear Slow Radio for the first time on Second Life LOL.
Mr.wji. R.

07.04.2009 11:22:16 PM
bueno! so good to listen to this music.. sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, but most of the time it feels great...
Is it posible to put something of Bob Dylan in the playlist? That will be great!!
Lapere Martine

05.04.2009 02:25:57 PM
ik vind deze zender de allerbeste
is de enige waarop ik mijn favoriete soort muziek vind
dank je hiervoor
Glenn Glenn

05.04.2009 03:11:19 AM
Love listening to the music at home through my itouch and stereo speakers....Awesome music mix well done listen to it most nights when working at the computer
Hernandez Karina

05.04.2009 03:07:43 AM
I love this radio! I only wish it could be in my country, so I could listen all the time.
Eduardo Eveluta

04.04.2009 10:19:11 PM
Veeeeryy... Nice Station!! The Best!
Fahed F. B.

United Kingdom
04.04.2009 10:55:03 AM
This station is Gr8, the right variety of tunes, and good bitrate quality, thnx
Dedicated Fan...
Lara Basevi

03.04.2009 07:13:59 AM
Love it!
Listen the whole day!
Runs also on my SecondLife parcel!
Weronika V

United Kingdom
02.04.2009 12:51:14 PM
love listening to slow radio....the best station ever:) keep on playing the best song:)
Theressa Vandewaetere

01.04.2009 10:11:28 PM
leuke zender, echt de max!!!!!! jammer dat je het niet op de gewone radio kunt beluisteren hier in oost-vlaanderen!!!!!!!!!! maar tis echt goe!!!!!